The Murrays


In the Mind of Marin..

I often look at Marin and wonder what she is thinking. She knows about 17-20 letters in the alphabet, can count to 12 (but will not include 7), and remembers the names and faces of all of her aunts, uncles, and cousins. I'm impressed, as these are not things I thought 21 month old did.

Then there are things I thought she would understand, but clearly does not....

When you ask her what her name is she says, "You." You ask her, What is "you's" name. Then she will say "Marin". She also does not say anything is "mine". If you ask who's doll is that? She says "you's."

We had storms today and had hail. Marin thought it was very cool that ice was falling from the sky. Grandma and Ed took her out to play after it was done. She decided it would be cool to eat the hail. Then, she asked Ed for more. Ed told her it was done. She then said to Ed, "More! Sky! Reach!" Translated from Marin speak this meant she was to going to reach into the sky and get more.

Finally, we were going over to a neighbor's house the other night. Their little girl's name is Ella. Marin asked me Ella's mommy and daddy's names. I told her, " Sarah and Ryan." Then, Marin told me we were walking to: "See, Ella, Ryan, and Mommy." Apparently, in her mind all Sarahs are really called mommy because that is what I am called.

Now you know why I wonder how her little brain works.


  • I think YOU is the perfect response to "What's your name?" I believe Marin is highly intelligent...just like her parents.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:33 PM  

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