The Murrays


The outdoor Easter Egg Hunt

The indoor Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Pictures!

Dying Easter Eggs

More Cousins

We are anxiously awaiting Lucky's arrival. I am 36.5 weeks along and can't wait until the beginning of May to get here. When we had Marin, Ed's sister Paula had Lucy two weeks later. Paula is expecting once again in the beginning of September. We are very happy that Lucky will have another cousin close to her age. We think this will be the last cousin on Ed's side of the family. Granny always said she would have 15 grandchildren and that will be a reality!

Many Uses for Sun Screen

Sometimes I am amazed at the connections that Marin makes, even though with this one she was a little off.

Marin and I were making animals out of clay and then you bake them and they turn into erasers. We made a pig and a cat and as I was taking them out of the oven Marin asked to hold them. I told her they were still to hot and that she would burn her hands. She starts walking away and telling me she is going to get her sun screen. I asked her "why"? She told me so she would not burn her hands! I got a good laugh and explained to her that sun screen would not prevent her from burning her hands on hot things out of the oven.

We are ladies with bottle hands! First, Marin had them out for her sister, but then they had to go on our hands! I am not sure why.

The Mind of a Two-Year Old

Marin received a bubble wand from the Easter bunny and I told her that after her nap we could go outside and play with it. I told her that Gram, Pa, and Cooper (my parent's dog) would be over too. Cooper loves bubbles as much as Marin and chases after them and at times knocks Marin down too. So yesterday after I told her that Cooper would be at our house for the bubbles, she looks at me and tells me that she will wear her helmet. She said that if she wore her helment Cooper could play too and she would not get hurt.