A Dora the Explorer Sit and Spin and it talks too! Thanks Saundra and Ellie, Marin loves it. Mommy and Daddy think that the batteries might come out of it from time to time. It is playing as I am blogging. Marin wants to thank everyone for her wonderful gifts. I asked her earlier today what she thought of all of her new toys and she told me "like". Ed and I are wondering what is left to get her for Christmas. Ed is also wondering if we will get our basement done before our living room is just the toy and book room.
Marin has loved playing with trains at the bookstore, other kid's houses, and any where else that we can find them. Ed and I decided that would probably be a good birthday gift for her. Today she decided that the train tracks were no longer for the train but, her new Matchbox cars. I tried putting the train on the tracks and she had a total fit-screaming and fake crying. I guess we really got her a race track. Hmm, where did she pick that interest up from? Pa!
Happy 2nd Birthday!
Marin turned two November 9th. We had a small party for her that night. Here she is eating dinner with her cousin Claudia. We can't believe that she is two already, yet we do not remember life without her. There is never a dull moment in our household and we love it that way. My guess is in 5 1/2 months that right now might see dull compared to life with two children under the age of three.
Lucky Update
I had my second doctor appointment on Thursday. According to the doctor Lucky is very active and moving a lot. She kept on having to follow where the baby was moving while listening to the heart beat. We have an ultrasound appointment on December 18th and we will be finding out if we have a Lucky boy or a Lucky girl. Marin is excited because she gets to see the baby on TV. We did not find out what we were having with Marin, but Ed really wants to this time. Since I got my way the first time, it is his turn this time.
Trick or Treat Please
That is not all of Marin's candy! That is the candy we gave out to all the kids coming to our house. When I got it out to put it in the bowls, I think Marin was amazed that that much candy was so close to her. She dumped it into the bowls, dumped the bowls onto the floor, and then picked it all up again.
Unfortunately, we had some trauma after this. Before Marin was in her costume two scary looking trick or treaters came to our door. Marin saw them and was scared. She started crying and said, "no trick or treating." We had aout 15-20 minutes of tears and two parents telling her she would really like it. At one point, I felt horrible and thought am I doing this for her or myself. The horrible parenting paid off and we went out and she had a blast. We went to about 10-12 houses. When we told Marin that it was time to go home, Marin said, "More trick or treating please." I think this was a good sign she enjoyed herself. Now we just have to listen to the request for candy for the next month!
Unfortunately, we had some trauma after this. Before Marin was in her costume two scary looking trick or treaters came to our door. Marin saw them and was scared. She started crying and said, "no trick or treating." We had aout 15-20 minutes of tears and two parents telling her she would really like it. At one point, I felt horrible and thought am I doing this for her or myself. The horrible parenting paid off and we went out and she had a blast. We went to about 10-12 houses. When we told Marin that it was time to go home, Marin said, "More trick or treating please." I think this was a good sign she enjoyed herself. Now we just have to listen to the request for candy for the next month!